What is Proto-Danksharding, how YOU should help deploy it (no technical knowledge required), and what it means for the future of Ethereum

Joseph Schiarizzi
3 min readJan 16, 2023

What is Proto-Danksharding, how YOU should help deploy it (no technical knowledge required), and what it means for the future of Ethereum:

Proto-Danksharding (lol funny words) is an upcoming improvement to ethereum (EIP 4844) adding a new kind of temp data storage

To scale Ethereum using L2s, rollups require writing data to Mainnet. This is currently very costly & limited as we dont want the total data stored on ethereum/needed to run the network to get too big.

A graph of L2 transactions per day growing exponentially

EIP 4844 creates a new kind of “ephemeral” data storage, that lets rollups have whats called “data availability”. Rollups can write massive amounts of data to ethereum, but it will be deleted a little while later, so it can be done MUCH cheaper. This is Ethereum scaling in action.

ts important for decentralization not to let the total data stored get too large. When more node storage is needed to run a validator there are less small node operators, meaning more larger centralized nodes.

For a deeper dive about how EIP 4844 works check out this explainer from @protolambda:

Here’s where Ethereum needs your help:

To make 4844 work, we need a special kind of cryptography used for verifying the data calledKZG Commitments. To make the Commitments work, we need lots of random numbers that many people believe are random.

YOU can easily be that randomness!!

To contribute to the randomness needed to make 4844 work go to https://ceremony.ethereum.org You definitely will want to do this. This would be a great list to be on for future airdrops too. The only requirement is you have sent 3 transactions+ on ethereum.

You will be asked to create some entropy (randomness) Move your cursor around, type in a random phrase (like your favorite kind of ramen and where you get it), and your browser will make some random numbers in the background too.

Image of ethereum’s entropy generator website

You will have to log in with your wallet twice and sign 2 messages: Once to sign a message from http://ethereum.org publishing your random data, and again to log in with SignInWithEthereum to verify to the app who you are.

image of the sign in page from log in with ethereum dot com

And then you’re done! You just contributed to securing the future of Ethereum scaling! Thanks and congratulations!

image of final success page from ceremony dot ethereum dot com

